Esta informacion fue gracias a nuestro miembro KOLNIKOV que nos las posteo en UNIFAGRUPO por ello es que decidi copiar y pegar este mail de su autoria al que agradezco enormemente ya que pone de manifiesto como quieren espiarnos,ya lo hace Microsoft,MSM,y si entras a cuanto site oficial de cualquier gobierno,hoy es YAHOO Un abrazo para todos y espero les sea util como a mi Adolfo Gandin Ocampo Esto es de locos… Kolni YAHOO TRACKING YAHOO IS TRACKING GROUP MEMBERS. YAHOO ESTA ESPIANDO A MIEMBROS DE LOS GRUPOS DE YAHOO. abajo hay una traduccion de los pasos a seguir para quitarse de la maquinaria espiatoria de yahoo. Anonymous 1-5-9 Just got this from another YahooGroup owner and thought I would pass along the information: Yahoo is Tracking Group Members If you belong to ANY Yahoo Groups - be aware that Yahoo is now using “Web Beacons” to track every Yahoo Group user. It’s similar to cookies, but allows Yahoo to record every website and every group you visit, even when you’re not connected to Yahoo. Look at their updated privacy statement at About half-way down the page, in the section on cookies, you will see a link that says WEB BEACONS. Click on the phrase “Web Beacons.” On the page that opens, on the left find a box entitled “Opt-Out.”. In that section find “opt-out of interest-matched advertising” link that will let you “opt-out” of their snooping. Click it and then click the opt-out button on the next page. Note that Yahoo’s invasion of your privacy - and your ability to opt-out of it - is not user-specific. It is MACHINE specific. That means you will have to opt-out on every computer (and browser) you use. Please forward this to your other groups. You might complain, too, but I’m not sure if anyone is listening. I remember when they signed all users up to get spam and we had to opt out of that a few years ago. Please send this to anyone or any group you would like. IR A IR A MITAD DE PAGINA: COOKIES LINK: WEB BEACONS CLICK. LA PAGINA QUE ABRE TIENE UN BOX A LA IZQUIERDA QUE SE LLAMA OPT OUT CLICK LA PAGINA QUE SE ABRE, TIENE UN BOTON QUE SE LLAMA OPT OUT. CLICK. HAY QUE HACERLO PARA CADA BROWSER O PC QUE TENGAS..

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